About Batt Rastard
Diverse sounds from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
A long journey is what life is truly about, and al of us take that journey one day at a time. Every day a star is born into this world to start their journey just like me and you. As we grow up our personalities make us who we are, some of us live normal lives but like me I feel this ambition inside of me that has been there since I could remember.
Who doesn’t get excited over a good song on the radio? For me that was just the beginning. At the age of ten I started practicing on my grandmothers organ in the basement for hours. Messing with the beats and split keyboards, I felt the fire.
I withstood a heart attack and many years of troublesome experiences and lived to tell the tale, so I channel my experiences into the music, a story of a man who has overcome obstacles and became a creator through sound.
So the BATT RASTARD is born! The few people out there that truly reach exalted rock star status will probably say it came from inside them and I can feel that message burning in my soul!
The music that I write is from life itself and the experiences I have accumulated through being a single father and a working man. I have spent countless days and sleepless nights working on making this music, and now I am ready to share with you my music and a look into my world.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and god bless you.
Eric “The Batt Rastard” Wrate.